Omega Click is a masked, hooded and altered voice man who became famous after opening a YouTube channel that talks about aliens in a serious and in-depth way.

Omega Click is a youtuber who aims to bring to light the concrete truth regarding alien UFOs and the mysteries connected to them. He always shows himself wearing a mask.

He is known for sharing an FBI declassified document about aliens who have the ability to materialize and dematerialize.
According to the document declassified by the FBI and shared by Omega Click, the alien beings would not be embodied in human people but would come from their own world, which in reality would not correspond to a planet as we understand it but to an etheric plane that interpenetrates with ours and which is imperceptible.

The body of the visitors and their boats would materialize in contact with the sequence of our vibrations. Furthermore, the disks would have their own radiant energy capable of disintegrating any ship intending to attack.
This channel, as Omega states, aims at transparency, freedom and cooperation with subscribers, also making them participate in its videos, giving them the opportunity to tell their own stories or experiences. In fact, in the “Contact happened” playlist, subscribers can be participants and protagonists of his videos by telling their stories, testimonies, experiences or simple thoughts.